We talk a lot about how big brands are embracing social media as a mechanism to connect directly with customers. Still, it’s much easier to talk about integrating social media into your brand than it is to actually do it.
That’s why IKEA’s recent Facebook campaign is so awesome. The Swedish furniture company opened a new store in Malmo, Sweden and rather than spread the word the old-fashioned way, they decided to go directly to the people using Facebook.
This video describes the campaign in detail:
An account was created for the store manager at the Malmo store. Over a two-week period, showroom images were uploaded to his Facebook photo album. Using the all-popular “tagging” feature, customers were able to locate items in the pictures and put their name on it. The first person to tag an object got to take it home.
The word spread through Facebook () and users started embedding links and images in their own profiles and across news feeds. In turn, thousands and thousands of users willingly promoted IKEA and its new store to others, creating a big win for IKEA.
Social media is surely addictive, but can we be more specific? Patrick Moberg gave it a good shot in his Internet Vices cartoon, comparing various social services to their consciousness modifying equivalents both legal and… less than legal.
Twitter’s () similarity to crack cocaine: “Yuppies do it on their iPhone. Cheap. Short. Fruitless.” YouTube (
), Facebook (
), digg, MySpace (
) and more are also suitably parodied with clever illustrations. Now we need some clever new startup to invent a social media hangover cure.
Check out all the social media vices and let us know: did Mr. Moberg nail them all? Do you have alternate analogies? See you at the 12-step program!
[via Waxy]
Category: | Meat & Seafood | |
Servings: | untuk 4 orang |
Category: | Side Dishes & Condiments | |
Servings: | untuk 4 orang |
Category: | Meat & Seafood | |
Servings: | untuk 2 orang |
Rawon merupakan menu tradisional dari jawa timur, di kediri ada beberapa warung makan penyedia masakan khas jawa timur ini. namun bila Anda ingin mencobanya, siapkan saja bahn2 nya dan akan saya beritahu cara membuatnya.
3 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 sendok teh ketumbar
1 ruas jahe
5 butir kemiri
5 buah keluwek, dikeluarkan isinya
2 sdk makan margarin
1 ruas lengkuas
1 tangkai serai
2 lembar daun jeruk purut
300 gram daging sengkel, dipotong kotak kecil-kecil.
Empal Gurih, bahan:
500 gram daging has
3 siung bawang putih
1 skd teh ketumbar
1 ruas lengkuas
2 gelas santan kental
Cara Membuat:
1. Buat rawonnya lebih dahulu. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai merah, kemiri, ketumbar, dan gula merah. Terakhir masukkan keluek.
2. Cairkan margarin lalu tumis bumbu tadi hingga harum. Kemudian masukkan lengkuas, serai dan daun jeruk purut. Tambahkan dagingnya. Aduk sebentar lalu tuangkan 1 gelas air. Begitu seterusnya hingga daging empuk. Terakhir tuangkan 4 gelas air. Dan masak hingga mendidih.
3. Kini membuat Empal Gurih. Rebus daging selma 20 menit lalu potong potong kotak. Masukkan kembali dalam air rebusannya.
4. Haluskan bawang putih ketumbar dan lengkuas. Masukkan bumbu ini kedalam rebusan daging bersama santan. Rebus kembali daging di atas api kecil hingga matang.
5. Bila daging sudah dingin, goreng dalam minyak hingga kecoklatan
6. Sajikan rawon dengan tauge kecil segar, kerupuk udang dan empal gurih ini.
Disajikan untuk 8 porsi
Tadi barusan saya makan tahu campur yang ada di kediri, tepatnya di depan rumah sakit Bhayangkara Kediri. Sebenarnya pas pertama kali melihat saya kurang sreg untuk makan disitu, tp karena perut sudah terasa lapar, apa boleh buat lah.. Yang penting perut terisi dulu..
Kan Pepatah mengatakan "Logika tidak akan jalan tanpa ada Logistik" karena adanya pepatah itu, akhirnya pekerjaanku ditinggal dulu deh...
Setelah pesen, langsung deh aku makan dengan lahap, yang membuat lidah ini bergoyang adalah bumbu racikanya yang pas dan kikil serta daging yang dihidangkan bersamaan dengan tahu yang dikasih kuah..
Rasanya Dahsyat men !!!
rugi kalau warga kediri gak pernah berkunjung disini...
Seperti biasa, kalau anda mampir disitu, tolong bungkusin saya ya....
Bukan hanya daging ayam atau daging kambing aja yang bisa dibuat sate. Jamur juga bisa. Untuk masalah rasa, jangan khawatir ga kalah enak dengan kedua sate tersebut. Sebab kandungan protein jamur ditambah glutamat dan nukleotida (penyedap rasa) alami yang tinggi, membuat rasanya gurih, selezat produk-produk daging.
Jamur banyak digunakan pelaku vegetarian untuk menggantikan menu daging mereka. Jamur bebas kolesterol, kaya serat, vitamin dan mineral. Ahaaa tunggu apalagi yuk kita buat sate jamur !!!
Jamur kaleng, cuci bersih 100 gr
Bawang bombay 100 gr
Nanas 100 gr
Cabe nerah 1 buah
Tusuk sate
Bawang putih 1 siung
Ketumbar setengah sdk
Kecap manis secukupnya
Bahan Sambal
Cabe rawit 1 siung
Bawang putih 5 gr
Kecap manis 3 sdm
Cara Buat
Sambal : haluskan semua bahan, tambahkan sedikit garam, aduk rata
Sate: Haluskan semua bumbu, tambahkan sedikit air. Bahan disusun mulai dari jamur, bawang bombay, nanas dan cabe merah. Masukkan kedalam bumbu hingga meresap. Panggang dalam oven sekitar 20 menit. Setelah matang angkat dan sajikan dengan sambal kecap.
Di Kediri banyak tempat depot ataupun warung soto yang enak, mulai yang kelas ekonomi sampai yang kelas bisnis. Ada soto ayam ada juga soto daging. Untuk soto ayam kelas ekonomi yang paling ngetop itu soto ayam tamanan, tamanan adalah nama tempat dimana tempat tersebut merupakan sentra eh..kok sentra sih…kumpulan (apa bedanya….) pedagang soto ayam kaki lima. Rasanya sesuai lidah dan harganya sesuai kantong. Permangkok soto cuma Rp. 3.000,- itu udah cukup bikin kenyang, tapi kalo yang doyan makan bisa nambah sampai 3 mangkok juga. Menu tambahannya yang disediakan, sate telur puyuh dan ayam bakar. Tapi jangan salah sangka dulu soal ayam bakar, ayam bakar disitu bukan ayam bakar yang dimakan dengan sambel en lalap itu. Ayam bakar di tamanan adalah ayam yang sudah direbus dengan kuah soto kemudian dibakar dengan bumbu kecap. Rata-rata pengunjung pasti memesan ayam bakar sebagai teman makan soto.
Untuk mencapai lokasi sangatlah mudah, karena lokasinya berada dalam lingkungan terminal kota kediri di tamanan. Jarak dari pusat kota sekitar 2-3 km kearah barat. Soto tamanan juga terkenal dengan nama soto bok ijo.
Apa sih bedanya soto kediri dengan soto yang lain? yang jelas tentu dari kaldu soto nya. Penasaran ya, makanya dateng aja ke kediri (surganya orang yang doyan makan). Tapi jangan khawatir buat mereka yang belum pernah dateng ke Kediri, saya akan beritahu resep dan cara pembuatan soto kediri.
Bahan :
1 ekor ayam kampung yang muda dibelah menjadi 2 bagian
3 batang sereh
5 lembar daun jeruk purut
3 cm lengkuas dimemarkan
1 1/2sdt garam
1250 ml air
250ml minyak goreng untuk menggoreng ayam
50 ml minyak goreng untuk menumis
250 ml santan sedang kentalnya.
Racikan :
2 sdm bawang goreng
5 batang seledri diiris halus
3 butir telur rebus dipotong 8 bagian
100 g tauge pendek diseduh
50 g soun diseduh
1 sdm bawang putih goreng
1 buah jeruk nipis
Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
4 buah bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
1 sdm ketumbar yang sudah disangan
5 butir kemiri
2 cm kencur
1 sdt terasi
Cara Membuat :
Rebus ayam dengan air, sereh, daun jeruk, lengkuas, dan garam hingga harum.
Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan hingga harum dan matang kemudian masukkan dalam rebusan ayam, kecilkan api, masak hingga ayam empuk.
Angkat ayam kemudian masukkan santan dalam rebusan kaldu hingga mendidih dan tidak pecah.
Goreng ayam dengan minyak goreng hingga kecoklatan lalu angkat dan daging ayam disuwiri.
Ambil mangkok letakkan soun, tauge dan suwiran ayam, kemudian siram dengan kaldu sotonya, taburkan bawang goreng, bawang putih dan seledri, letakkan potongan telur rebus.
Rada aneh juga ya kedengerannya, menu ini saya temui saat makan malam di Hotel Lotus Garden, Kediri. Ada beragam menu sup, mulai sup ayam, sup daging, atau yang terkenal sup buntut. Tapi sup buntut yang satu ini super beda, benar-benar inovasi yang cukup kreatif, mungkin hanya akan ditemui di kediri.
Gimana cara buatnya? tenang aja saya telah berhasil mendapatkan resepnya.
Bahan :
At times, Facebook ads can be clever and useful, for example, seeing that some of your friends are fans of a brand that’s advertising on your homepage. Other times, they can seem somewhat odd and irrelevant, if not incredibly ironic. However, the ad that one user recently came across is simply amusing, and perhaps a reminder to check in on a rather clandestine Facebook privacy setting.
The ad, first reported on the EndofWeb blog, is yet another Facebook promo for a dating website. The funny part is that the “hot single” featured in the ad is actually the user’s wife, who documented the story on her own blog. It’s worth pointing out that ads that utilize your friends aren’t new on Facebook, but it was only a matter of time until the site’s use of excess ad inventory on cheesy dating ads combined with this practice lead to such a bizarre combination.
As DownloadSquad points out, opting yourself out of appearing in these ads is a mere half dozen clicks away:
“All you have to do to prevent this is sign in to Facebook and click through to (get ready) -> Settings -> Privacy -> News Feed and Wall -> Facebook Ads -> Appearance in Facebook Ads and click “no one.”
The story brings me back to my usual feeling towards Facebook ads, which is that they clearly have the capability to do interesting and even useful things with advertising, but continue to turn to lowest common denominator ads much of the time. Meanwhile, by including you in ads by default, even though they’re only visible to friends, it seems like they’re taking a lot of liberties with your data and personal preferences.
On the whole, it probably generates extra clicks, but enough to make up for the cheapening of the brand that this type of situation creates? Tough to say.
Verizon FiOS TV is adding Facebook and Twitter integration, as well as several other social media options, to its service. Similar to the integrations we’ve seen on the Web, this allows you to update your status on either network when watching a given show or event and also see what your friends or the larger social media community is saying about it.
In addition to this functionality, Verizon FiOS customers will be able access what are essentially big screen, simplified versions of Twitter and Facebook. For example, with Twitter, you can search and view currently hot topics, and with Facebook, you can view friend’s photos. There are also new features for browsing user-generated videos from Blip ().tv, Daily Motion, and Veoh.
While this seems like a natural direction for TV to move in, the biggest competitor would seem to be mobile – after all, you can do everything that Verizon FiOS is offering from various Twitter () and Facebook (
) mobile apps. That said, the big screen is, well, big, and having Facebook and Twitter integrated alongside the programming could certainly create the feeling of more interactivity, as it’s done on the Web.
To see a quick demo of the FiOS integration, check out the video below:
The research firm projects that MySpace revenue in the US will total $495 million this year, down 15 percent from last year but still significantly ahead of the $230 million in domestic revenue they expect Facebook to generate. Worldwide, eMarketer expects MySpace to pull in $520 million in total sales, with the internationally stronger Facebook seeing $300 million. The firm projects that Facebook will surpass MySpace in revenue by 2011.
While the decline in MySpace revenue is to be expected – traffic at the site has been falling and they’ve been forced to make significant staffing cuts recently – the Facebook numbers seem to be an underestimate based on other reports we’ve been hearing. Most recently, Facebook board member Marc Andreessen told Reuters that he expects the social network to generate at least $500 million in revenue this year, and “billions” within the next few years.
Not to mention, with traffic now more than double that of MySpace in the US, it’s hard to imagine that Facebook is only making half the revenue. In any event, with neither company publicly sharing their sales numbers, it will remain a subject of much speculation for now. But it would certainly seem that the momentum is in Facebook’s favor.
Facebook has become a significant player in event planning. After all, why use a service like Evite when all of your friends are already on Facebook?
Planning an event on Facebook is already fairly easy – you just click on “Events” from the applications menu bar and create one. But the social network has decided to make it even easier, letting you create an event directly from the publisher (aka, the “what’s on your mind” box).
To do so, Facebook explains, ”after clicking on the “Events” icon, you can enter information about what the event is and where and when you want to meet. You can invite friends directly from the Feed story that’s created either on your Profile or your News Feed. Just select the “Invite guests” link to share the event with friends.”
Like other Facebook updates, this is presumably being rolled out gradually, so you might not see it yet (I don’t), but Facebook shows what it looks like:
Moving events to the publisher makes sense, and it seems Facebook hopes users start using the app more casually – you’ll notice the example they offer is “lunch,” as opposed to the more formal invites you might be used to receiving.
Keep in mind, however, that the publisher is set to become increasingly complicated, as Facebook is currently testing its new per-update privacy options that will be rolled out to all users in coming weeks. Too much clutter could lead to users simply ignoring the features and continuing to just post status updates – user behavior that Facebook () is clearly hoping to change.
We’ve previously noted how viral Facebook Pages can become, thanks in large part to the “Highlights” section of user homepages where you get notified when multiple friends become a fan of a given page. This lead to Ashton Kutcher reaching one million fans on Facebook before one million followers on Twitter (
) (during the infamous CNN race), and Vin Diesel becoming perhaps a bit disproportionately popular on the social network.
Now, this concept has gained a whole new meaning in the aftermath of the loss of Michael Jackson. The King of Pop has vaulted from a mere 80,000 fans prior to his passing to nearly 6.7 million as of this evening. In turn, that makes Jackson’s fan page the most popular on the entire site, surpassing Diesel and President Obama.
While the growth will probably start to slow after tomorrow’s massive memorial for Jackson, the huge following leaves the singer’s heirs (and his record label) with a massive network to communicate with fans and continue the massive resurgence of interest in Jackson’s music we’ve seen over the past week and a half; as of July 1st, there had already been 2.6 million downloads of the aritst’s music, and Jackson still currently owns the top two albums on iTunes, as well as three of the top 10 singles.
On the Facebook Page, there’s currently a simple music player with a number of Jackson’s hits and an option to buy them through Amazon. It’s also served as an enormous online memorial, with the Page still seeing dozens of new comments from fans every few minutes. In any event, if we needed yet another metric to measure the massive impact of Jackson’s passing, his Facebook () page is it.
Rujak cingur merupakan makanan atau masakan tradisional Jawa Timur. Di Kediri banyak sekali warung yang menyediakan menu rujak cingur, tapi bagi anda yang berada di luar wilayah Kediri atau bahkan diluar Jawa Timur saya akan sajikan resep dan cara membuatnya.
Bahan :
* 50 gr kangkung yang sudah dibersihkan
* 50 gr taoge
* 75 gr kecipir (belah dua memanjang)
* 75 gr ketimun
* 100 gr bengkuang
* 50 gr mangga muda
* 75 gr tempe goreng
* 100 gr tahu goreng
* 250 gr cingur (tulang rawan hidung sapi) kulit kikil sapi, rebus.
Bumbu Rujak Petis :
* 6-9 buah cabai rawit atau sesuai selera
* 2 sdm kacang tanah goreng
* 200 gr petis udang
* 1-3 sdt terasi bakar
* 1 buah pisang batu parut kasar
* 1 sdt asam
* 50 cc air matang
Cara Membuat :
BERBICARA tentang Gunung Kelud yang oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri akan dijadikan salah satu objek wisata andalan, sama saja membicarakan masalah infrastruktur. Di sana-sini masih banyak yang harus dibenahi.
Soal jalan tentu menjadi yang utama. Kecuali beberapa kilometer jalan di kawasan PDP Margomulyo, jalan lainnya yang menuju kawah Kelud masih harus ditingkatkan mutunya. Baik dari segi lebar jalan maupun kualitasnya. Terutama, aspal jalan di beberapa kilometer menjelang kawah.
Di kanan kiri jalan, juga belum terdapat tanaman pelindung yang meneduhkan wisatawan, utamanya jika matahari sedang bersinar dengan teriknya. "Bagi saya sendiri, soal jalan dan tanaman pelindung memang yang terpenting untuk dibenahi," kata Sekretaris Desa Sugihwaras, Imam Muhamad Khosian.
Selain itu, ada beberapa kelengkapan penunjang lain yang menurutnya juga harus dipunyai kawasan Kelud, jika akan dijadikan sebagai objek wisata. Salah satunya adalah tersedianya papan penunjuk yang memadai di jalan-jalan menuju Gunung Kelud.
Selama ini, menurut Imam, orang yang akan menuju Kelud-terutama orang baru-harus banyak bertanya sebelum sampai di kawasan tersebut. Bila dibandingkan dengan objek wisata-agama Gereja Puh Sarang-juga di Kabupaten Kediri-tentu Gunung Kelud kalah jauh dari sisi pengemasan informasi publik.
Masalah akomodasi juga menjadi problem tersendiri. Berdasar pantauan Kompas, belum ada satu pun losmen atau hotel di sekitar kawasan Gunung Kelud.
Hal itu juga diakui oleh Imam. Tak heran, jika ada tamu yang harus menginap, mereka sering numpang tidur di rumahnya. Kalau tidak, mereka harus siap tidur di salah satu bangunan milik PDP Margomulyo, atau di sebuah SD Negeri yang terdapat di kaki Gunung Kelud.
Panorama Gunung Kelud saat meletus tahun 1990.
PEMERINTAH Kabupaten Kediri, mengakui betapa masih panjangnya jalan menuju dijadikannya kawasan Gunung Kelud sebagai objek wisata. Bupati Kediri Sutrisno, menuturkan bahwa pemerintah kini sedang dalam tahap meneliti kelayakan Gunung Kelud sebagai daerah tujuan wisata.
"Tahun ini programnya adalah penelitian. Jadi kita adakan uji kelayakan terhadap Gunung Kelud, yang pelaksanaannya nanti dikoordinir oleh Bappeda (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah-Red)," jelasnya.
Yang pasti, lanjutnya, cita-cita pemerintah Kabupaten Kediri dalam menggarap Kelud, adalah menyamai sukses Gunung Bromo dan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Singkatnya, mengapa Bromo dan Tangkuban Perahu bisa, sementara Kelud tidak?
Jika hasil studi kelayakan itu menyimpulkan bahwa Kelud memang layak menjadi kawasan wisata, Sutrisno berjanji akan bekerja maksimal untuk menggarap Kelud.
"Gereja Puh Sarang yang relatif sudah tergarap dengan baik, bisa menjadi 'motor' bagi Kelud yang masih belum banyak dipoles. Saya mengangankan, wisatawan yang datang ke Puh Sarang, bisa sekaligus ditarik untuk menikmati Gunung Kelud. Tentu saja ini dilakukan dengan tanpa mengabaikan promosi bagi wisatawan yang tidak datang ke Puh Sarang," ujarnya lagi.
The study was conducted on 16 sites over the period of 30 days, and the results were awful. The details of the test, as described by LBT, are as follows:
For our experiment, we uploaded a test image onto 16 chosen sites with default permissions, then noted the URL of the uploaded image. Every site served the test image given knowledge of its URL except for Windows Lives Spaces, whose photo servers required session cookies (a refreshing congratulations to Microsoft for beating the competition in security). We ran our initial study for 30 days, and posted the results below. A dismal 7 of the 16 sites failed to revoke photos after 30 days
The sites that failed the test include most of the biggest social networks out there: Facebook (), MySpace (
), Bebo, and hi5 flat out failed the test, meaning the deleted photos were still available at the same URL. On other sites, such as Blogger (
) and Friendster (
), the removal of the photos in question took some time, but it was ultimately carried out within the 30 day limit. Only four sites - Flickr (
), Photobucket (
), Orkut and Windows Live Spaces (which used session cookies) - passed the test with flying colors.
UPDATE: We’re told the scam is now using multiple URLs ending in “.im”, as Facebook has blocked ponbon. Simple rule: don’t click links in Facebook messages that look suspicious.
Be warned that there’s another Facebook scam going around today: compromised accounts are sending out links to a site named “ponbon.im”, as shown in the image - do not visit this site. Our guess is that the attack is using accounts that were compromised previously - if you receive the mail, simply delete it without visiting the link.
The advice to avoid having your account compromised remains the same: make sure you run an up-to-date virus scanner, keep your OS updated, make sure you’re running the latest version of your web browser and do not enter your social networking passwords on third party sites.
If you’re concerned you might be affected by this or other scams, run a full virus scan on your system, clear the cookies in your browser (used by XSS attacks) and change your password for the compromised account.